Leiden University Fund.

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International experience thanks to LUF

Your student days are about more than amassing credits alone. They are brimming with personal development opportunities. LUF gives students with big dreams and original ideas the chance to study or do research abroad.

Energy-efficient data processing

If you are studying for a Master’s degree in Experimental Physics and want to climb the next rung of the academic ladder, the University of Cambridge is the place to be.

‘This experience wouldn’t have been possible without the LUF grant’

Bart Woltjes was given just that opportunity and spent four months researching the electrical properties of superconductors. He thus added to the fundamental knowledge needed to develop the faster, more energy-efficient data processing needed for a new generation of computers.

Eva Zijlstra (left)

International law

For her Master’s programme, Eva Zijlstra went to America to study at the university that is considered to be one of the best in the field of international law: New York University (NYU). She was given the opportunity to acquire practical skills such as arguing in front of a human-rights tribunal and interviewing eyewitnesses.

The sometimes dense theory came to life in lectures by leading lights from the field with experience at the UN, the Red Cross and international human rights organisations. The experience also led to a fantastic opportunity. ‘I get to represent NYU as a fellow at the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) in Paris!’ she says.

Smart fungi

There are plants that obtain their energy and nutrients from symbiotic relationships with fungi: a fascinating natural phenomenon and an essential part of the ecosystem. Knowledge about this is crucial to protecting biodiversity.

‘I gained so much experience and self confidence and am extremely grateful to the LUF for this opportunity!’

Biology student Izai Sabino Kikuchi went to the world-famous Kew Gardens in Londen where, in the company of experienced botanists, he conducted research into the evolution of orchids within this special group of plants. An experience that was of great personal and professional value to him.

With your support we can give more scientists and talented students the chance to realise their dreams and projects. Would you like to find out more about supporting your alma mater? Please visit our Donating from abroad-page for information on the tax benefits of giving. 

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