Leiden University Fund.

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LUF Relationship promoting Activities Prize

The LUF Relationship promoting Activities Prize (LUF RAP) is awarded to student activities or initiatives (in the broadest sense of the word) that promote cohesion. It was established by the Leiden University Fund (LUF) at the instigation of the Committee for General Student Activity Grants (CASSA).

The prize (max. €5,000) is awarded to an initiative undertaken by Leiden University students that brings together different faculties or associations or promotes cohesion between the academic community and the local community in Leiden or The Hague. The prize is awarded during the annual Evening of Cleveringa in November.

Special initiatives

Initiatives that qualify for the prize are:

  • innovative;
  • broadening and/or deepening;
  • created by students from Leiden University;
  • aimed at a group that includes people studying at Leiden University.

The initiative must also bring people together. The following are welcomed:

  • activities or initiatives by multiple study or student associations and/or students from different faculties;
  • activities or initiatives that strengthen cohesion in Leiden or The Hague, in the sense of bringing together the University and local communities in Leiden or The Hague.

How to apply

The application process consists of two rounds.

  1. Round one is a visit to CASSA on a Monday morning. Make an appointment via the online reservation tool;
  2. After visiting the consultation hour, the application must be submitted online via a application form. It must be clear who is entering for the prize, what the initiative is and what the motivation behind it is. A budget must also be provided. The application deadline is 11 November 2024.
  3. The second round, also final and award ceremony, will take place during the annual Evening of Cleveringa, on the 29th of November. In this round, the winners are chosen by an annually changing committee, of which at least one person is a member of CASSA

Other rules

  • The LUF RAP is a guaranteed grant of max. €5,000 that is awarded before the initiative or activity is undertaken;
  • The Prize may be equal to the entire budget of the initiative or activity;
  • Entrants may not apply for the LUF RAP together with another CASSA grant.
  • When the activity has taken place, we would like to receive a final report within two months
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