Leiden University Fund.

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This chair is a continuation of the LUF chair in Press, Broadcasting and Media Law, thanks to Professor Wouter Hins. 


The fund is intended for an endowed chair in the field of Media Law and the Information Society within the Faculty of Law at Leiden University, with an appointment of at least one day a week for a period of five years, all of which is to be understood in the broadest possible sense. 

The Betsy Brouwer Fund was established on 8 December 2010 based on a donation by Derk Pieter Brouwer.


The fund sustains a chair in the field of Comparative Sexual Orientation Law within the Faculty of Law for a period of at least 12 years; if possible, longer. It is hoped that this chair will expand into an institute with more than one academic working on different areas within this field. Professor Kees Waaldijk was appointed to this chair in 2011.

In 2024, the Fund for the Study of Juvenile and Adolescent Crime was established by the Scientific Research and Documentation Center (WODC).


The aim of this fund is to promote scientific research and education in the field of juvenile and adolescent crime at Leiden University, in connection with the LUF chair in Juvenile and Adolescent Crime, and the PhD program 'Evaluation of extrajudicial intervention Halt'.

The fund was established in 2024 thanks to a subsidy from the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 


Awarding scholarships for five Ukrainian prosecutors to follow the Advanced Master in Public International Law, specialisation International Criminal Law during the academic year 2024-2025 and/or the academic year 2025-2026.

The Han-Crebolder Fund was set up in 2018 by Mr W.L. Han and Ms H.S.C. Crebolder. Both donors were active members of the board of the Leiden University Fund.


The fund aims to encourage and support students of three faculties at Leiden University (Law, Humanities and Governance and Global Affairs) to gain experience outside the Netherlands for research, teaching, an internship or a conference.

The Isa Diederiks-Verschoor Fund was created thanks to the legacy received from Professor Isa Diederiks-Verschoor. 


In the years to come, the International Institute of Air and Space Law will allocate this annual sum to pay the travel expenses of students attending two international moot court competitions, namely:

  • Air Law: the Leiden/Sarin International Air Law Moot Court Competition 
  • Space Law: the European Round of IISL’s Manfred Lachs Space Law Moot Court.

The Kuiper-Overpelt Fund was founded in 2016 by Mr W.G. Kuiper and Mrs A.C.M.D. Overpelt.


The fund supports talented students and researchers from developing countries or fragile democracies who would like follow the advanced master International Children’s Rights at Leiden University. The founders want to enable them to participate constructively in civil society, government or the development of their country of origin after their studies.

Scholarship recipient Chisom Okay-Chinda with Mr. Kuiper and Ms. Overpelt

This fund was established on 17 March 2015 using a donation by Dr C.J. Kroese and Mrs J.A.M. Kroese-Duijsters.


The fund aims to make it possible to organise a symposium every other year at the Leiden Institute of Chemistry (LIC), part of the Faculty of Science at Leiden University. Also, in 2020, supported by the fund, a new Rotating Honorary Chair was established at the Leiden Law School. The Chair Enforcement of Children's Rights perfectly suits the mission of the faculty to gather, spread and unlock knowledge about children's rights all over the world.

The Mr.ir. Deisz Barendregt Fund was set up by L. Barendregt in homage to his life partner, Mrs A.M. Barendregt-Deisz, who died in 2008. Over the course of a marriage that lasted almost 53 years, she provided her husband with the support that allowed him to accomplish his many achievements, as well as dedicating her life to their sons. The decision to allocate the fund to maritime law was taken in memory of her father, Mr Tijdo Deisz, a former chief engineer at the Rotterdam firm Lloyd who was killed in the struggle for the Dutch East Indies (modern-day Indonesia).


The fund supports research on and publications about maritime law, water management law and construction law, in particular legislation regarding procurement in the construction industry.

The P. Heering, LL.M., Sr. Fund was established by P. Heering, LL.M., on 10 December 2013 in memory of P. Heering, LL.M. Heering was chair of the LUF from 1961 to 1971 and made an important contribution in this period to adapting the LUF to a changing society.


The purpose of the P. Heering, LL.M., Sr. Fund is to enable students from the Faculty of Law at Leiden University to gain experience abroad in the field of European and international law. This objective is achieved by providing grants to individual students.

The Professor H.G. Schermers Fund was set up in 2002 by Mr and Mrs Schermers. Professor H.G. Schermers was a professor in Law of International Organisations at Leiden from 1978 until he retired in 1993. He was also a member of the European Commission on Human Rights for over 15 years, received two honorary doctorates and was a dedicated teacher


The fund finances the Schermers Chair at Leiden University. Professor N.M. Blokker, Professor by Special Appointment of International Institutional Law, holds this chair.

Professor H.G. Schermers was committed to encouraging Leiden law students to experience the benefits of studying outside the Netherlands. His personal dedication quite literally broadened the horizons of generations of students. To continue his work, with support from many alumni, the Leiden University Fund and Professor Schermers’ family founded the Professor H.G. Schermers Study Fund.


The fund is intended to enable law students to go abroad to study or complete an internship in the fields of international institutional law or human rights.

The Schim van der Loeff Fund was set up in 2008 by Mrs J. Makaaij, widow of the late Mr G.L. Schim van der Loeff.


The fund aims to support the study of international law, especially as it relates to the situation of foreign nationals. Both promising students and lecturers in International Law are eligible to apply to the fund.

The Slingelands Fund was founded in 1915 according to the will of Th.G.A. Slingelands, former subdistrict judge in Heusden. He left his farmhouse at Haastrecht to the Leiden University Fund, which sold the house in 1963.


The Slingelands Fund primarily supports the Faculty of Physics, in particular cosmography, as well as the Faculties of Law and Medicine

The fund was established in 2024 with a contribution from the Stichting Steunfonds Pro Juventute Nederland.


The aim of the fund is to promote scientific research and education in the field of youth care and youth protection from a pedagogical and legal perspective, including by financing the special chair in Pedagogy and Law.

The Swaantje Mondt Fund was set up by Martine and Jaap Mondt in the summer of 2016. The fund bears the name Swaantje Mondt in memory of their daughter, and was created because the donors consider it important that young researchers should be able to expand their horizons in the form of a study trip abroad. 

Jaap Mondt: ‘We want this fund to give opportunities to young, talented scholars. From our own experience, we know how important it is to see many parts of the world: it educates you. At the same time, we’re both very interested in scholarship. This fund combines all of these aspects.’

An in-depth interview with Martine and Jaap Mondt about the fund was published in Leidraad in 2016. 

Mr and Mrs Mondt


The fund is intended to enable international PhD candidates to study and gain experience at Leiden University and to enable Leiden PhD candidates to spend time studying abroad. PhD candidates of Leiden Law School, the Faculty of Science or the Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs, and international PhD candidates who wish to study at one of these Leiden faculties, are all eligible to apply for a grant. In special cases, PhD candidates of other Leiden University faculties can submit an application.

This fund has a specific objective, namely to award two prizes each year: the Van Wersch Springplankprijzen (‘Springboard Prizes’). Each prize awards up to 10,000 euros to fund academic publications by active, talented researchers in the field of medical/pharmaceutical and legal research in the broadest sense. The research must be published no more than five years after the researchers gained their PhDs.

The fund was established in 2022 and the donation from the Gieskes-Strijbis Fund has an earmarked destination: the four-year research project of Professor W.J.M. Voermans, which examines whether and how awareness of constitutional values ​​works as 'second nature' for ministers, civil servants and politicians.

The UNICEF Fund Chair in Children’s Rights was founded in 2012 by UNICEF Netherlands.


The aim of the fund is to finance the UNICEF-Chair in Children's Rights within the Faculty of Law at Leiden University for five years. Professor T. Liefaard holds this endowed chair.

The Van Beuningen-Hesselink Fund was established on 9 December 1996.


The fund aims to maintain and reinforce the leading position of the Faculty of Law at Leiden University.

The VVJF Fund was founded in 2011 thanks to some of the donations the Leiden University Fund received from alumni of the Faculty of Law. A donation was received in 2014 from the Friends of the Law Faculty (Vereniging Vrienden van de Juridische Faculteit). 


The fund aims to support the organisation of activities for alumni of the Faculty of Law. It also contributes to the maintenance and expansion of the faculty library. The goal of the Friends of the Law Faculty is to pay for purchases and other expenses incurred for the benefit of the library of the Faculty of Law, insofar as the University’s budget does not cover the intended purchases and expenses. 

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